How Do You Stop a Dog from Chewing on Its Paws?
It's not unusual for dogs to chew on their paws. In fact, it's one of the most common reasons pet parents bring their pups to the vet. There are a number of reasons why your pup may be chewing on its paws, including allergies, skin irritation, itchiness, and infections. Dietary reasons may also play a role in paw-chewing. For example, if your dog isn't getting enough protein, he or she may start chewing on paws as a way to supplement the diet.
Wrinkly dog parents may notice that their pup is particularly prone to paw-chewing. Wrinkly breeds like Bulldogs, Frenchie's and Pugs often have skin that folds over itself, which can trap dirt, debris, and moisture. This can lead to irritation and itchiness, which may cause your dog to start chewing on his or her paws.

Most Common Causes of Paw Chewing
One of the most common reasons dogs chew on their paws is because of allergies. Allergies can be caused by a number of things, including pollen, grass, dust mites, and mold spores. If your dog is allergic to something, his or her immune system will overreact to the allergen and cause a number of symptoms, including itchiness, redness, and swelling. Your dog may start chewing on his or her paws as a way to relieve the itchiness.
Skin Irritation
Another common reason dogs chew on their paws is because of skin irritation. Irritation can be caused by a number of things, including allergies, insect bites, and contact with irritating substances. If your dog's skin is irritated, he or she may start chewing on the affected area as a way to relieve the discomfort.
Dogs may also start chewing on their paws if they have an infection. Infections can be caused by bacteria, fungi, or viruses. If your dog has an infection, he or she may start chewing on the affected area as a way to relieve the pain and itchiness.
Prevention and Treatment
There are a number of things you can do to prevent your dog from chewing on his or her paws. If you suspect your doggo may have developed allergies, talk to your Vet about ways to manage it. This may include taking oral medications or getting injections. If the cause of the chewing is an infection, your dog may need to take antibiotics to clear the infection. If you have a wrinkly dog, take extra care to clean and dry the skin folds as it will help prevent irritation and itchiness. Make sure that the area around their nails is trimmed, clean and free of debris.
Squishface Wrinkle Wipes are the first step to cleaning and protecting your dog’s wrinkles and toes! Use these dog Wrinkle Wipes on any place your pup needs to be cleaned – wrinkles, tail pockets, paws and toes, faces, tear stains, girly dog bits (the vulva), and puppy bums! They are perfect for those hard-to-clean places. Since there’s no harsh chemicals, you don’t need to worry about stinging or irritation.
Combine Wrinkle Wipes with Squishface Wrinkle Paste to clean between squishy face wrinkles, toes and tails pockets and help soothe itchiness. Wrinkle Paste forms a water-repellent barrier on the skin surface which keeps moisture, yeast, fungus and other bacteria at bay. Wrinkle Paste contains a limited ingredients list, excluding many common allergens as well as water and alcohol and including calming shea butter and protective avocado oil to soothe sensitive skin. We recommend using Wrinkle Paste once daily for at least 7 to 10 days.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to paw chewing it's important to not punish your pup. This will only make the problem worse. Provide plenty of chewing toys as they can help relieve boredom and stress, which may be underlying causes of paw-chewing.
Although a common problem, don't ignore it. If your pup is paw-chewing, it's important to find out the underlying cause so you can treat it appropriately. Avoid using products that contain chemicals or fragrances. These can be irritants that make the paw-chewing worse. Squishface Wrinkle Wipes contain phytosphingosine which is skin lipid with anti-inflammatory and microbe repelling properties, so not only they clean the skin of the bad stuff, they also actively help to rebuild the skin. Squishface products are free of many common allergens and harsh chemicals.
See the results for yourself below:
With proper care and treatment, you can help your dog stop chewing on his or her paws.
Be sure to follow us on TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook and visit our blog weekly for more tips on caring for your wrinkly doggo, and the latest on all things Squishface!