Why Do Dogs Get Eye Boogers?
Have you ever noticed little crusty areas in the corner of your dog's eyes and wondered what they are? Those are what we affectionately call "eye boogers" or dried tears. If you have a Bulldog, Pug, or Boston Terrier, you might notice these more frequently due to their tendency to have watery eyes. But why do these breeds, in particular, get them? It turns out their adorable squishy faces and prominent facial folds can trap moisture and debris, leading to these eye boogers. Today, we’ll explore why dogs get eye boogers and how you can effectively manage them with the help of Squishface products to keep your pup’s eyes bright and healthy.

Allergies or Irritants:
When dogs encounter allergens such as pollen, dust, or even certain foods, their immune systems may react by producing more tears to flush out the irritants. This excess tearing can lead to a buildup of moisture around the eyes, which, combined with dust and debris, can form those crusty eye boogers. Additionally, some dogs may be sensitive to certain grooming products or environmental pollutants, worsening eye discharge. Regularly cleaning your dog’s face and using gentle, pet-safe wipes like Squishface Wrinkle Wipes can help reduce the accumulation of allergens and irritants, keeping their eyes clear and free from discomfort.
Dried Tears and Eye Discharge:
Commonly known as pink eye, conjunctivitis is a condition that can lead to the formation of eye boogers in dogs. It occurs when the conjunctiva, the thin membrane covering the eyeball and inner eyelids, becomes inflamed or infected. This inflammation can result from bacterial or viral infections, allergies, irritants, or even physical trauma to the eye.
One of the hallmark symptoms of conjunctivitis is excessive eye discharge, which can range from clear and watery to thick and yellowish. As the discharge accumulates, especially during sleep or periods of rest, it dries out and forms crusty deposits around the eyes—what we commonly refer to as eye boogers.
How to Remove Dog Tear Stains:
To keep your dog's eyes clean and reduce tear stains, regular dog grooming is key. Here’s how you can effectively manage tear stains:
1. Use Squishface Wrinkle Wipes: These handy wipes are designed to gently clean dirt and debris from the area around your dog’s eyes, preventing tear stains. They specifically target bacteria, yeast, and fungus that can thrive in these moist areas, helping to maintain overall eye health.
2. Apply Squishface Wrinkle Paste: For dogs with pronounced facial wrinkles, like bulldogs, pugs, and Boston terriers, applying a thin layer of Squishface Wrinkle Paste can help. This paste forms a water-repellent barrier on the skin, keeping moisture and irritants out while soothing the skin underneath. Alternatively, Squishface Tear Stain Paste is made with the same wonderful ingredients - with a thinner formulation to spread easier through long-haired pups' fur.
The Bottom Line:
Understanding why dogs get eye boogers and how to manage them can ensure your furry friend’s eyes stay clear and comfortable. With a little care and the right products, you can keep those eye boogers at bay and enjoy many happy, tear-free moments with your furry friend. By incorporating these simple steps into your dog’s daily grooming routine, you can help prevent excessive eye boogers and keep their eyes bright and healthy.
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