Great for any Dogs with Wrinkles
While developed for bulldogs, Wrinkle Paste is not breed specific and will take care of dog wrinkles, tear stains and tail pockets for any breed.
English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pugs, Shar Peis, Neapolitan Mastiffs, Frenchies, Basset Hounds, And many more!

for Sensitive Skin
Wrinkle Paste is a wrinkle cleaner and tear stain cream for dogs created without water or alcohol and with a limited, only absolutely essential ingredient list. We know the allergy-prone nature of many dogs and with that in mind we excluded many common allergens such as lavender, aloe, lanolin, fragrance, etc., found in other products. Instead, we use a calming shea butter and protective avocado oil to soothe sensitive skin.

So fresh, so clean!
Wrinkle Paste forms a water-repellent barrier on the skin's surface, which keeps moisture, yeast, fungus and other bacteria at bay!
Great for Wrinkles, Tear Stains, Tail Pockets & Paws
How to Apply Wrinkle Paste
1. Give the dog a small training treat first so they associate this process with a positive event.
2. Clean the affected area around the dogs eyes with a Squishface Wrinkle Wipe, removing any debris or eye boogers.
3. Apply a small pea-sized amount of Wrinkle Paste (1 per each area) directly against the skin and not just on top of the fur.
4. Wipe away excess Paste that may have gotten outside of the Wrinkle or Tear Stain area.
5. Leave it alone for 24 hrs!
6. Repeat once daily for 7-10 days. Many dogs are able to see a difference by this time and you can choose to either continue daily use or decrease to every other day or as needed.
7. REWARD the dog with a 2nd small training treat immediately after to reinforce that they get something good during this process.